429 HRH Grand Duke Sergej Aleksandrovitj of Russia

HRH Grand Duke Sergej Aleksandrovitj of Russia ✶ 29 April/11 May 1857 in Tsarskoye Selo (Saint Petersburg) ✟  4/17 February 1905 in Moscow Appointed Peterhof Palace 19 July 1875 motto Missing shield Painted 1879 by Carl Högberg. Date of death added 1905 by the same artist. other awards None Biography Fifth son of Emperor Alexandr …

428 HRH Grand Duke Nikolaj Nikolajevitj of Russia

HRH Grand Duke Nikolaj Nikolajevitj of Russia ✶  27 July/8 August 1831 in Tsarskoje Selo (Saint Petersburg) ✟  13/25 April 1891 in Alpuka, Crimea (Taurien) Appointed Peterhof Palace 19 July 1875 motto Missing shield Painted av 1889 Carl Högberg. Date of death added 1891 by the same artist. other awards None Biography Third son of …