113 Count Johan Ludvig Hård

Count Johan Ludvig Hård
Prussian Lieutenant-general

✶ December 1719 in Malmö
✟ 21 August 1798 in Berlin


The Royal Palace of Stockholm 27 November 1786
Knighted 28 April 1787 by King Friedrich II of Prussia




Painted 1787 by Lars Bolander.

other awards

Knight of the Order of the Sword 1748
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword 1766


Swedish Count who in 1756 left the country after having conspired against the state and joined Prussian service. Pardoned in Sweden 1761. Prussian Lieutenant-general 1773 and governor in Spandau 1776-1780. Came with Prince Heinrich of Prussia on his visit to Stockholm 1770 and prepaired Gustav III’s visit to Berlin 1772.


Not on display.