160 Count Claes Adam Wachtmeister af Johannishus

Count Claes Adam Wachtmeister af Johannishus
Lord of the Realm, Admiral

✶ 16 August 1755 in Karlskrona
✟ 26 June 1828 at Södertuna, Frustuna parish


The Royal Palace of Stockholm 3 July 1809
Knighted 4 May 1810 in the Royal Chapel


Comite Virtute (With virtue as a companion)


Painted 1809 by C G Eckstein

other awards

Knight of the Order of the Sword 1779
Commander of the Order of the Sword 1788
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword 1794


Admiral 1795
Chief of the Navy 1799-1810
Lord of the Realm 1800


Not on display.