195 Count Fabian Reinhold von Fersen

Count Fabian Reinhold von Fersen

✶ 7 October 1762 in Stockholm
✟ 10 March 1818 in Stockholm


The Royal Palace of Stockholm 16 December 1814
Knighted 28 April 1815 in the Royal Chapel


Nec citera nec ultra
(Neither on this side nor beyond)


Painted av 1815 by C G Eckstein.
Renovated 1949 by David Friedfeldt.

other awards

Knight of the Order of the Sword 1794
Commander of the Order of the Sword 1800
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword 1802


Lieutenant-colonel 1796
Chamberlain 1802-1810
Lord of the Realm 1809


Not on display.