Oscar Magnus Fredric Björnstjerna
Swedish Foreign Minister, Major General
✶ 6 March 1819 in Stockholm
✟ 2 September 1905 in Stockholm
The Royal Palace of Stockholm 1 December 1874
Painted 1887 by Carl Högberg. Date of death added 1905 by the same artist.
other awards
Knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav 1861
Knight of the Order of the Sword 1862
Commander of the Order of the Polar Star 1866
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Polar Star 1871
Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav 1873
Chamberlain for Queen Dowager Désirée 1846
Major General 1865
Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs 1872-1880
Member of the first chamber of the Riksdag of Sweden 1874-1901
Deputy Chancellor at the Chancery of the Royal Swedish Orders 1887-1889
Chancellor 1895-1905