536 Conrad Victor Ankarcrona

Conrad Victor Ankarcrona
Senior Master of the Royal Hunt

✶ 15 December 1823 at Runsa, Ed parish
✟ 9 October 1912 in Stockholm


The Royal Palace of Stockholm 18 September 1897
Received the Order with brilliants 1907


Sanning utan fruktan (Truth without fear)


Painted 1900 by Carl Högberg. Date of death added 1912 by B P Hedlund.

other awards

Knight of the Order of Vasa 1868
Knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav 1873
Knight of the Order of the Polar Star 1876
Commander of the Order of the Polar Star (1st class) 1881
Commander of the Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav (1st class) 1882
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of Vasa 1886
King Oscar II’s Jubilee Commemorative Medal 1897
Crown Prince Gustaf V and Crown Princess Victoria Silver Wedding Medal 1906
King Oscar II and Queen Sofia’s Golden Wedding Medal 1907


Senior Master of the Royal Hunt 1883
Governor at The Royal Palace of Stockholm 1889-1911
In queue to become the Master of ceremonies at the Chancery of the Royal Swedish Orders 1881-1890
Received the order in conjunction with King Oscar II’s government jubilee.
