100 Baron Jacob Magnus Sprengtporten

Baron Jacob Magnus Sprengtporten Lieutenant-general ✶ 11 December 1721 in Tobolsk, Ryssland ✟ 2 April 1786 at Biskopsudden on Djurgården, Stockholm Appointed The Royal Palace of Stockholm 23 November 1778 motto Bona conscientia spernit adversa (Good conscience negates adversity) shield Painted 1779 by Lars Bolander. other awards Knight of the Order of the Sword 1759 …

93 HD Prince Grigorij Aleksandvitj Potemkin

HD Prince Grigorij Aleksandvitj Potemkin Russian general and chief ✶ 6/17 September 1739 at Tjizjouro ( Smolensk) ✟ 5/16 October 1791 at Jassy (Cherson) Appointed The Royal Palace of Stockholm 29 April 1776 Assigned the collar, unknown when motto Nobility and courage shield Painted 1785 by Lars Bolander. The inscription changed 1788 by the same …